Index of values

(&&&&) [Specification]
Shorthand for logand_list.
(&&&) [Specification]
Shorthand for logand.
(&&&) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Specification.logand function.
(==>) [Specification]
Shorthand for implies'.
(==>) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Specification.implies' function.
(=>) [Specification]
Shorthand for implies.
(=>) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Specification.implies function.
(>>) [Shell]
Bare synonym for redirect_output.
(>>) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_output function.
(>>>) [Shell]
Bare synonym for redirect_append.
(>>>) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_append function.
(>>>>) [Shell]
Bare synonym for redirect_error.
(>>>>) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_error function.
(>>>>>) [Shell]
Bare synonym for redirect_append_error.
(>>>>>) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_append_error function.
(^^^) [Specification]
Shorthand for logxor.
(^^^) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Specification.logxor function.
(^^^^) [Specification]
Shorthand for logxor_list.
(|>) [Shell]
Bare synonym for pipe.
(|>) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Shell.pipe function.
(|||) [Specification]
Shorthand for logor.
(|||) [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Specification.logor function.
(||||) [Specification]
Shorthand for logor_list.

add_assert_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_assert_test, except that the built test is added to the ones to be run by launch_tests.
add_enum_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_enum_test, except that the built test is added to the ones to be run by launch_tests.
add_partial_enum_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_partial_enum_test, except that the built test is added to the ones to be run by launch_tests.
add_partial_random_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_partial_random_test, except that the built test is added to the ones to be run by launch_tests.
add_random_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_random_test, except that the built test is added to the ones to be run by launch_tests.
add_shell_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_shell_test, except that the built test is added to the ones to be run by launch_tests.
add_simple_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_simple_test, except that the built test is added to the ones to be run by launch_tests.
alphanum [Generator]
Generator for char values representing alphanumeric characters (i.e.
always [Specification]
Predicate that always evaluates to true.
apply1 [Generator]
apply1 f x is equivalent to f x.
apply2 [Generator]
apply2 f (x, y) is equivalent to f x y.
apply3 [Generator]
apply3 f (x, y, z) is equivalent to f x y z.
apply4 [Generator]
apply4 f (x, y, z, t) is equivalent to f x y z t.
apply5 [Generator]
apply5 f (x, y, z, t, u) is equivalent to f x y z t u.
array [Reducer]
Reducer for array values.
array [Generator]
array l e constructs a generator for arrays.
array [Enumerator]
array e l constructs an enumerator for arrays of length l, e is used to generate the array elements.

basename [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.basename.
bash [Shell]
The configuration for bash shells.
bool [Reducer]
Reducer for bool values.
bool [Generator]
Generator for bool values.
bool [Enumerator]
Enumerator for bool values.
buffer [Generator]
buffer b constructs a generator for Buffer.t values.
buffer [Enumerator]
buffer e l constructs an enumerator for buffers of length l, e is used to generate the buffer elements.

calls [Mock]
Returns the list of parameter values passed to the function.
cat [Shell]
cat ~options:options l builds a command displaying elements from l, passing options to the cat executable.
cd [Shell]
Changes the current directory to the value of the passed argument.
char [Reducer]
Reducer for char values.
char [Generator]
Generator for char values.
char [Enumerator]
Enumerator for char values.
chdir [Shell]
Equivalent to cd, as a command.
check [Test]
check ... is equivalent to run_test (make_random_test ...).
check [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Test.check function.
check_partial [Test]
Equivalent to check for partial functions.
check_partial [Abbreviations]
Shorthand for Test.check_partial function.
check_suffix [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.check_suffix.
choose_array [Generator]
choose_array a constructs a generator that returns an element by first selecting a generator from a and using it to generate the actual value.
choose_array_weighted [Generator]
choose_array_weigthed a constructs a generator that returns an element by first selecting a generator from a and using it to generate the actual value.
choose_list [Generator]
choose_list l constructs a generator that returns an element by first selecting a generator from l and using it to generate the actual value.
choose_list_weighted [Generator]
choose_list_weighted l constructs a generator that returns an element by first selecting a generator from l and using it to generate the actual value.
chop_extension [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.chop_extension.
chop_suffix [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.chop_suffix.
coerce [Shell]
coerce c allows one to change the parameter types of the command type.
command [Shell]
command s lifts s to a command.
complex [Reducer]
Reducer for Complex.t values.
complex [Generator]
complex r i constructs a generator for Complex.t values.
complex [Enumerator]
complex re im constructs an enumerator for Complex.t values, using re and im to respectively generate the real and imaginary parts.
concatname [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.concatname.
count [Mock]
count f x returns how many time the function f has been called with a parameter value equal to x.
cp [Shell]
cp ~options:options l d builds a command copying elements from l to d, passing options to the cp executable.
current_dir_name [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.current_dir_name.
cut [Shell]
cut ~options:options l builds a command extract elements from the data it receives, passing options to the cut executable.

default_classifier [Test]
The default classifier, always returning "".
default_printer [Assertion]
Default printer, always returning "".
default_reducer [Test]
The default reducer, always returning [].
diff [Shell]
diff ~options:options x y builds a command computing the difference between x and y, passing options to the diff executable.
digit [Generator]
Generator for char values representing (decimal) digits.
digit_bin [Generator]
Generator for char values representing (binary) digits.
digit_hex [Generator]
Generator for char values representing (hexadecimal) digits.
digit_oct [Generator]
Generator for char values representing (octal) digits.
dirname [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.dirname.

echo [Shell]
echo ~options:options x builds a command printing x, passing options to the echo executable.
empty [Enumerator]
Dummy empty enumerator.
equal [Assertion.Set]
Same as equal, but specialized for set values.
equal [Assertion]
equal ~eq:e ~prn:p ~msg:m x y raises Failed if x and y are not equal, relatively to the equality function e.
equal_bool [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for bool values.
equal_char [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for char values.
equal_complex [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for Complex.t values.
equal_float [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for float values.
equal_int [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for int values.
equal_int32 [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for int32 values.
equal_int64 [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for int64 values.
equal_nativeint [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for nativeint values.
equal_string [Assertion]
Same as equal, but specialized for string values.
exec_test [Test]
Executes the passed test, returning its outcome.
exec_tests [Test]
exec_tests l is equivalent to exec_test l.
exists [Specification.Weak]
Predicates that evaluates to true iff any of the weak hashtable elements makes P.p evaluate to true.
exists [Specification.Set]
Predicates that evaluates to true iff any of the set elements makes P.p evaluate to true.
exists [Specification.Map]
exists p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the map element (k, v) makes P.p k && p v evaluate to true.
exists_array [Specification]
exists_array p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
exists_hashtbl [Specification]
exists_hashtbl p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
exists_list [Specification]
exists_list p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
exists_queue [Specification]
exists_queue p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
exists_stack [Specification]
exists_stack p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
exists_string [Specification]
exists_string p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the characters makes p evaluate to true.
exists_weak [Specification]
exists_weak p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
exit [Shell]
exit n builds a command returning the exit code n.

fail [Assertion]
Raises Failed with the passed parameters (expected value, actual value, and message).
fail_msg [Assertion]
fail_msg m is equivalent to fail "" "" m.
file_bytes [Enumerator]
file_bytes fn constructs an enumerator returning the bytes from file fn.
file_chars [Enumerator]
file_chars fn constructs an enumerator returning the characters from file fn.
file_exists [Shell]
Synonym for Sys.file_exists.
file_lines [Enumerator]
file_lines fn constructs an enumerator returning the lines from file fn.
file_values [Enumerator]
file_values fn p constructs an enumerator returning the values (as stored by marshalling) from file fn, using p to convert elements into their string representation.
files [Shell]
Equivalent to Sys.readdir except that a list is returned.
files_with_filter [Shell]
Equivalent to files except that the returned list is filtered by the passed function.
files_with_suffix [Shell]
files_with_suffix s d equivalent to files d except that only the files with the suffix s are returned.
filter [Generator]
filter f g constructs a generator equivalent to g filtered by f, that is skips all values x such that f x returns false.
filter [Enumerator]
filter f e constructs an enumerator equivalent to e filtered by f, that is skips all values x such that f x returns false.
float [Reducer]
Reducer for float values.
float [Generator]
Generator for float values.
float [Enumerator]
float x y steps constructs an enumerator for float values between x and y, producing steps values.
for_all [Specification.Weak]
Predicates that evaluates to true iff all of the weak hashtable elements make P.p evaluate to true.
for_all [Specification.Set]
Predicates that evaluates to true iff all of the set elements make P.p evaluate to true.
for_all [Specification.Map]
for_all p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the map elements (k, v) make P.p k && p v evaluate to true.
for_all_array [Specification]
for_all_array p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
for_all_hashtbl [Specification]
for_all_hashtbl p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
for_all_list [Specification]
for_all_list p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
for_all_queue [Specification]
for_all_queue p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
for_all_stack [Specification]
for_all_stack p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
for_all_string [Specification]
for_all_string p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the characters make p evaluate to true.
for_all_weak [Specification]
for_all_weak p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
for_each [Enumerator]
for_each x y f constructs an enumerator that is the concatenation of the enumerators f i where i successively takes the values from x to y (both inclusive).
from_function [Mock]
from_function ~cmp f returns a mock function based on the function f, only recording calls actually made to the function.
from_mapping [Mock]
from_mapping ~cmp ~prn l returns a mock function based on the association list l whose couples are (input, output) indicating that the function should return output when call with paramer input.
from_sequence [Mock]
from_sequence ~cmp ~prn l returns a mock function based on the association list l whose couples are (input_i, output_i) indicating that the ith call to the function should have parameter input_i and should return output_i.
func [Mock]
Returns the function bare to be used for tests.
func2 [Mock]
Returns the function bare to be used for tests, as a binary function.
func3 [Mock]
Returns the function bare to be used for tests, as a ternary function.
func4 [Mock]
Returns the function bare to be used for tests, as a quaternary function.
func5 [Mock]
Returns the function bare to be used for tests, as a quinary function.

g [Generator.Gen]
Actual generator for g values.
gen [Generator.Weak]
gen i constructs a generator for weak hashtables of G.g values.
gen [Generator.Set]
gen i constructs a generator for sets of G.g values.
gen [Generator.Map]
gen i g constructs a generator for maps from G.g to 'a.
get_tests [Test]
Returns the list that tests that would be run by launch_tests.
getenv [Shell]
Synonym for Sys.getenv.
grep [Shell]
grep ~options:options x builds a command filtering the input with the expression x, passing options to the grep executable.
grep_files [Shell]
grep_files ~options:options x l builds a command filtering the files from l with the expression x, passing options to the grep executable.

hashtbl [Reducer]
Reducer for Hashtbl.t values.
hashtbl [Generator]
hashtbl s k v constructs a generator for Hashtbl.t values.

ignore [Shell]
A specialized version of coerce that ignores both outputs.
implies [Specification]
implies p1 p2 is equivalent to { precond = p1; postcond = p2 }.
implies' [Specification]
implies' p1 p2 is a simplified version of implies where the predicate of the postcondition is only applied to the function result.
int [Reducer]
Reducer for int values.
int [Generator]
Generator for int values.
int [Enumerator]
int x y constructs an enumerator for int values between x and y (both inclusive).
int32 [Reducer]
Reducer for int32 values.
int32 [Generator]
Generator for int32 values.
int32 [Enumerator]
int32 x y constructs an enumerator for int32 values between x and y (both inclusive).
int64 [Reducer]
Reducer for int64 values.
int64 [Generator]
Generator for int64 values.
int64 [Enumerator]
int64 x y constructs an enumerator for int64 values between x and y (both inclusive).
is_alphanum_char [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the char argument is either an underscore or a letter/digit.
is_digit_bin_char [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (binary) digit.
is_digit_char [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (decimal) digit.
is_digit_hex_char [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (hexadecimal) digit.
is_digit_oct_char [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (octal) digit.
is_directory [Shell]
Synonym for Sys.is_directory.
is_empty_array [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the array argument is empty.
is_empty_list [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the list argument is empty.
is_empty_string [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the string argument is empty.
is_even_int [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int argument is even.
is_even_int32 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is even.
is_even_int64 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is even.
is_even_nativeint [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is even.
is_exception [Specification]
is_exception p returns a predicate that ensures that the outcome is an exception satisfying predicate p.
is_false [Assertion]
is_false ~msg:m x raises Failed if x is true.
is_implicit [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.is_implicit.
is_letter_char [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a letter.
is_nan_float [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is equal to nan.
is_neg_float [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is lower than or equal to zero.
is_neg_int [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int argument is lower than or equal to zero.
is_neg_int32 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is lower than or equal to zero.
is_neg_int64 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is lower than or equal to zero.
is_neg_nativeint [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is lower than or equal to zero.
is_none [Assertion]
is_none ~msg:m x raises Failed if x is different from None.
is_none_option [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the option argument is equal to None.
is_nonempty_array [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the array argument is not empty.
is_nonempty_list [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the list argument is not empty.
is_nonempty_string [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the string argument is not empty.
is_nonnan_float [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is different from nan.
is_nonzero_float [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is different from zero.
is_nonzero_float_eps [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is different from zero.
is_nonzero_int [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int argument is different from zero.
is_nonzero_int32 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is different from zero.
is_nonzero_int64 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is different from zero.
is_nonzero_nativeint [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is different from zero.
is_odd_int [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int argument is odd.
is_odd_int32 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is odd.
is_odd_int64 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is odd.
is_odd_nativeint [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is odd.
is_pos_float [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is greater than or equal to zero.
is_pos_int [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int argument is greater than or equal to zero.
is_pos_int32 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is greater than or equal to zero.
is_pos_int64 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is greater than or equal to zero.
is_pos_nativeint [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is greater than or equal to zero.
is_relative [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.is_relative.
is_result [Specification]
is_result p returns a predicate that ensures that the outcome is a result satisfying predicate p.
is_some [Assertion]
is_some ~msg:m x raises Failed if x is equal to None.
is_some_option [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the option argument is different from None.
is_space_char [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the char argument is either a bare space or a tabulation.
is_true [Assertion]
is_true ~msg:m x raises Failed if x is false.
is_zero_float [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is equal to zero.
is_zero_float_eps [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the float argument is equal to zero.
is_zero_int [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int argument is equal to zero.
is_zero_int32 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is equal to zero.
is_zero_int64 [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is equal to zero.
is_zero_nativeint [Specification]
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is equal to zero.
iter [Enumerator]
iter f e applies f to the elements of e.
iter_list [Enumerator]
iter_list f l applies f to the elements of l.

launch_tests [Test]
Equivalent to run_tests, except that the list of tests to be run is composed of all the tests build by the add_xyz functions of this module.
letter [Generator]
Generator for char values representing letters.
lift [Generator]
lift e s constructs a generator that always returns e, s is the string representation of e.
lift [Enumerator]
lift e s constructs an enumerator that only returns e, s is the string representation of e.
lift_array [Enumerator]
lift_array a p constructs an enumerator that returns the elements from a, using p to convert elements into their string representation.
lift_list [Enumerator]
lift_list l p constructs an enumerator that returns the elements from l, using p to convert elements into their string representation.
lift_string [Enumerator]
lift_string s constructs an enumerator that returns the characters from s.
list [Reducer]
Reducer for list values.
list [Generator]
list l e constructs a generator for lists.
list [Enumerator]
list e l constructs an enumerator for lists of length l, e is used to generate the list elements.
logand [Specification]
Constructs a predicate that is the conjunction of the passed ones.
logand_list [Specification]
Constructs a predicate that is the conjunction of the passed ones.
logor [Specification]
Constructs a predicate that is the disjunction of the passed ones.
logor_list [Specification]
Constructs a predicate that is the disjunction of the passed ones.
logxor [Specification]
Constructs a predicate that is the exclusive disjunction of the passed ones.
logxor_list [Specification]
Constructs a predicate that is the exclusive disjunction of the passed ones.
ls [Shell]
ls ~options:options l builds a command listing elements from l, passing options to the ls executable.

make_assert_test [Test]
make_assert_test ~title:t set_up f tear_down constructs a test running the function f.
make_bool [Generator]
make_bool w1 w2 constructs a generator for bool values.
make_char [Enumerator]
make_char x y constructs an enumerator for char values between x and y (both inclusive).
make_enum_test [Test]
make_enum_test ~title:t e f spec constructs an enumerator-based test f is the function to be tested against the values enumerated by e, ensuring that the specification spec is satisfied (cf.
make_equal [Assertion.Map]
make_equal eq prn returns a function for testing equality of maps.
make_equal [Assertion]
make_equal e p is equivalent to equal ~eq:e ~prn:p.
make_equal_array [Assertion]
make_equal_array eq prn returns a function for testing equality of arrays.
make_equal_hashtbl [Assertion]
make_equal_hashtbl eq prn prn' returns a function for testing equality of hash tables.
make_equal_list [Assertion]
make_equal_list eq prn returns a function for testing equality of list.
make_equal_queue [Assertion]
make_equal_queue eq prn returns a function for testing equality of queues.
make_equal_stack [Assertion]
make_equal_stack eq prn returns a function for testing equality of stacks.
make_equal_weak [Assertion]
make_equal_weak eq prn returns a function for testing equality of weak arrays.
make_float [Generator]
make_float f g constructs a generator for float values.
make_int [Generator]
make_int m n constructs a generator for int values.
make_int32 [Generator]
make_int32 m n constructs a generator for int32 values.
make_int64 [Generator]
make_int64 m n constructs a generator for int64 values.
make_nativeint [Generator]
make_nativeint m n constructs a generator for nativeint values.
make_not_equal [Assertion.Map]
make_not_equal eq prn returns a function for testing inequality of maps.
make_not_equal [Assertion]
make_not_equal e p is equivalent to not_equal ~eq:e ~prn:p.
make_not_equal_array [Assertion]
make_not_equal_array eq prn returns a function for testing inequality of arrays.
make_not_equal_hashtbl [Assertion]
make_not_equal_hashtbl eq prn prn' returns a function for testing inequality of hash tables.
make_not_equal_list [Assertion]
make_not_equal_list eq prn returns a function for testing inequality of lists.
make_not_equal_queue [Assertion]
make_not_equal_queue eq prn returns a function for testing inequality of queues.
make_not_equal_stack [Assertion]
make_not_equal_stack eq prn returns a function for testing inequality of stacks.
make_not_equal_weak [Assertion]
make_not_equal_weak eq prn returns a function for testing inequality of weak arrays.
make_partial_enum_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_enum_test for partial functions.
make_partial_random_test [Test]
Equivalent to make_random_test for partial functions.
make_raises [Assertion]
make_raises eq p ~msg:m f raises Failed if f () evaluates without raising an exception e that makes eq e evaluates to true.
make_random [Generator]
Creates a new random source.
make_random_full [Generator]
Creates a new random source, using the passed value as the seed.
make_random_seed [Generator]
Creates a new random source, using the passed value as the seed.
make_random_test [Test]
make_random_test ~title:t ~nb_runs:nb ~nb_tries:nt ~classifier:c ~reducer:red ~random_src:rnd gen f spec constructs a random test.
make_shell_test [Test]
make_shell_test ~title:t l constructs a test running the commands from l using Shell.run_list.
make_simple_test [Test]
make_simple_test ~title:t f constructs a test running the function f.
make_string_of_array [Utils]
Converts an array into a string, the passed function being used to convert array elements.
make_string_of_hashtbl [Utils]
Converts a hash table into a string, the passed functions being used to convert table keys and values.
make_string_of_list [Utils]
Converts a list into a string, the passed function being used to convert list elements.
make_string_of_option [Utils]
Converts an option into a string, the passed function being used to convert the embedded element (if any).
make_string_of_queue [Utils]
Converts a queue into a string, the passed function being used to convert queue elements.
make_string_of_ref [Utils]
Converts a reference into a string, the passed function being used to convert the embedded element.
make_string_of_stack [Utils]
Converts a stack into a string, the passed function being used to convert stack elements.
make_string_of_tuple1 [Utils]
The identity function.
make_string_of_tuple2 [Utils]
Converts a couple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.
make_string_of_tuple3 [Utils]
Converts a triple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.
make_string_of_tuple4 [Utils]
Converts a quadruple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.
make_string_of_tuple5 [Utils]
Converts a quintuple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.
make_string_of_weak [Utils]
Converts a weak array into a string, the passed function being used to convert array elements.
map1 [Generator]
map1 f p g constructs a generator applying the function f to the values generated by g.
map1 [Enumerator]
map1 f p e constructs an enumerator applying the function f to the values enumerated by e.
map2 [Generator]
map2 f p (g1, g2) constructs a generator applying the function f to the values generated by g1 and g2.
map2 [Enumerator]
map2 f p (e1, e2) constructs an enumerator applying the function f to the values enumerated by e1 and e2.
map3 [Generator]
map3 f p (g1, g2, g3) constructs a generator applying the function f to the values generated by g1, g2 and g3.
map3 [Enumerator]
map3 f p (e1, e2, e3) constructs an enumerator applying the function f to the values enumerated by e1, e2, and e3.
map4 [Generator]
map4 f p (g1, g2, g3, g4) constructs a generator applying the function f to the values generated by g1, g2, g3 and g4.
map4 [Enumerator]
map4 f p (e1, e2, e3, e4) constructs an enumerator applying the function f to the values enumerated by e1, e2, e3, and e4.
map5 [Generator]
map5 f p (g1, g2, g3, g4, g5) constructs a generator applying the function f to the values generated by g1, g2, g3, g4 and g5.
map5 [Enumerator]
map5 f p (e1, e2, e3, e4, e5) constructs an enumerator applying the function f to the values enumerated by e1, e2, e3, e4, and e5.
mkdir [Shell]
mkdir ~options:options path builds a command creating the directory path, passing options to the mkdir executable.
mv [Shell]
mv ~options:options l d builds a command moving elements from l to d, passing options to the mv executable.

nativeint [Reducer]
Reducer for nativeint values.
nativeint [Generator]
Generator for nativeint values.
nativeint [Enumerator]
nativeint x y constructs an enumerator for nativeint values between x and y (both inclusive).
neg_int [Generator]
Generator for negative int values.
neg_int32 [Generator]
Generator for negative int32 values.
neg_int64 [Generator]
Generator for negative int64 values.
neg_nativeint [Generator]
Generator for negative nativeint values.
never [Specification]
Predicate that always evaluates to false.
no_raise [Assertion]
no_raise ~msg:m f raises Failed if f () raises an exception.
not [Specification]
Constructs a predicate that is the negation of the passed one.
not_equal [Assertion.Set]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for set values.
not_equal [Assertion]
not_equal ~eq:e ~prn:p ~msg:m x y raises Failed if x and y are equal, relatively to the equality function e.
not_equal_bool [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for bool values.
not_equal_char [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for char values.
not_equal_complex [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for Complex.t values.
not_equal_float [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for float values.
not_equal_int [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for int values.
not_equal_int32 [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for int32 values.
not_equal_int64 [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for int64 values.
not_equal_nativeint [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for nativeint values.
not_equal_string [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but specialized for string values.
not_same [Assertion]
Same as not_equal, but based on physical equality.
number [Generator]
number n constructs a generator for string values representing numbers.
number_bin [Generator]
number_bin n constructs a generator for string values representing numbers.
number_hex [Generator]
number_hex n constructs a generator for string values representing numbers.
number_oct [Generator]
number_oct n constructs a generator for string values representing numbers.

option [Reducer]
Reducer for option values.
option [Generator]
option b e constructs a generator for option values.
option [Enumerator]
option e constructs an enumerator for option values.

p [Specification.Pred]
Actual predicate over p values.
parent_dir_name [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.parent_dir_name.
partial_function [Generator]
pipe [Shell]
pipe c1 c2 builds a command that is equivalent to c1 piped to c2.
popd [Shell]
Changes the current directory to the value poped from the directory stack, and returns it.
pos_int [Generator]
Generator for positive int values.
pos_int32 [Generator]
Generator for positive int32 values.
pos_int64 [Generator]
Generator for positive int64 values.
pos_nativeint [Generator]
Generator for positive nativeint values.
pushd [Shell]
Pushes the current directory to the directory stack, then changes the current directory to the value of the passed argument.
pwd [Shell]
Returns the current directory.
pwdir [Shell]
Equivalent to pwd, as a command.

queue [Reducer]
Reducer for Queue.t values.
queue [Generator]
queue s e constructs a generator for Queue.t values.
queue [Enumerator]
queue e l constructs an enumerator for queues of length l, e is used to generate the queue elements.
quote [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.quote.

raises [Assertion]
raises ~msg:m f raises Failed if f () evaluates without raising an exception.
read_lines [Shell]
read_lines file returns the lines from file file.
red [Reducer.Set]
red [Reducer.Map]
redirect_append [Shell]
redirect_append c f builds a command that redirect the output of command c to file f in append mode.
redirect_append_error [Shell]
redirect_error c f builds a command that redirect the error of command c to file f in append mode.
redirect_error [Shell]
redirect_error c f builds a command that redirect the error of command c to file f.
redirect_output [Shell]
redirect_output c f builds a command that redirect the output of command c to file f.
ref [Generator]
ref e constructs a generator for reference values.
ref [Enumerator]
ref e constructs an enumerator for reference values.
return [Test]
return x returns the function always returning x.
rm [Shell]
rm ~options:options l builds a command deleting elements from l, passing options to the rm executable.
rmdir [Shell]
rmdir ~options:options path builds a command deleting the directory path, passing options to the rmdir executable.
run [Shell]
run c runs the command c, returning its exit code.
run_list [Shell]
run_test [Test]
Runs the passed test, printing result according to passed output mode (by default bare text on the standard output).
run_tests [Test]
Runs the passed test list, printing result according to passed output mode (by default bare text on the standard output).

same [Assertion]
Same as equal, but based on physical equality.
sed [Shell]
sed ~options:options x builds a command applying the expression x to input, passing options to the sed executable.
select_array [Generator]
select_array a f constructs a generator that returns an element of a.
select_array_weighted [Generator]
select_array_weighted a f constructs a generator that returns an element of a.
select_list [Generator]
select_list l f constructs a generator that returns an element of l.
select_list_weighted [Generator]
select_list_weighted l f constructs a generator that returns an element of l.
sequence [Enumerator]
sequence l constructs an enumerator that is the concatenation of the enumerators of l.
set_configuration [Shell]
set_configuration c changes the configuration to c.
sleep [Shell]
sleep x suspends the execution for x seconds.
sort [Shell]
sed ~options:options l builds a command sorting the data it receives, passing options to the sort executable.
stack [Reducer]
Reducer for Stack.t values.
stack [Generator]
stack s e constructs a generator for Stack.t values.
stack [Enumerator]
stack e l constructs an enumerator for stacks of length l, e is used to generate the stack elements.
string [Reducer]
Reducer for string values.
string [Generator]
string i c constructs a generator for string values.
string [Enumerator]
string ch len constructs an enumerator for string values of length len, using ch to generate the characters.
string_of_buffer [Utils]
Converts a buffer into an escaped string.
string_of_char [Utils]
Converts a character into an escaped string, for display.
string_of_complex [Utils]
Converts a complex into a string.
string_of_string [Utils]
Converts a string into an escaped string, for display.
string_of_unit [Utils]
Always returns "()".
strings [Generator]
strings sep i s constructs a generator for string values.

temp_file [Shell]
Equivalent to Filename.temp_file.
to_string [Assertion.Printer]
Conversion function into strings.
total [Mock]
Returns how many times the function f has been called.
total_function [Generator]
touch [Shell]
touch ~options:options l builds a command touching elements from l, passing options to the touch executable.
transform [Generator]
transform f g constructs a generator applying the function f to the values generated by g.
transform [Enumerator]
transform f e constructs an enumerator applying the function f to the values enumerated by e.
tuple_apply1 [Generator]
tuple_apply1 f x is equivalent to f x.
tuple_apply2 [Generator]
tuple_apply2 f x y is equivalent to f (x, y).
tuple_apply3 [Generator]
tuple_apply3 f x y z is equivalent to f (x, y, z).
tuple_apply4 [Generator]
tuple_apply4 f x y z t is equivalent to f (x, y, z, t).
tuple_apply5 [Generator]
tuple_apply5 f x y z t u is equivalent to f (x, y, z, t, u).

unit [Reducer]
Reducer for unit values.
unit [Generator]
Dummy generator for unit value.
unit [Enumerator]
Dummy enumerator for unit value.

value [Version]
The current version of Kaputt as a string.

weak [Reducer]
Reducer for Weak.t values.
weak [Generator]
weak s e constructs a generator for Weak.t values.
weak [Enumerator]
array e l constructs an enumerator for weak arrays of length l, e is used to generate the array elements.
word [Generator]
word n constructs a generator for string values representing words.
words [Generator]
words n p constructs a generator for string values representing sequences of words.
write_lines [Shell]
write_lines l file writes the strings from l to file file, a '\n' character being written after each string.

zip1 [Specification]
Identity function.
zip1 [Generator]
The identity function.
zip1 [Enumerator]
The identity function.
zip2 [Specification]
zip2 p1 p2 zips p1 and p2 into a predicate over couples.
zip2 [Generator]
zip2 g1 g2 zips g1 and g2 into a generator producing couple values.
zip2 [Enumerator]
zip2 e1 e2 zips e1 and e2 into an enumerator producing couple values.
zip3 [Specification]
zip3 p1 p2 p3 zips p1, p2 and p3 into a predicate over triples.
zip3 [Generator]
zip3 g1 g2 g3 zips g1, g2 and g3 into a generator producing triple values.
zip3 [Enumerator]
zip3 e1 e2 e3 zips e1, e2 and e3 into an enumerator producing triple values.
zip4 [Specification]
zip4 p1 p2 p3 p4 zips p1, p2, p3 and p4 into a predicate over quadruples.
zip4 [Generator]
zip4 g1 g2 g3 g4 zips g1, g2, g3 and g4 into a generator producing quadruple values.
zip4 [Enumerator]
zip4 e1 e2 e3 e4 zips e1, e2, e3 and e4 into an enumerator producing quadruple values.
zip5 [Specification]
zip5 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 zips p1, p2, p3, p4 and p5 into a predicate over quintuples.
zip5 [Generator]
zip5 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 zips g1, g2, g3, g4 and g5 into a generator producing quintuple values.
zip5 [Enumerator]
zip5 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 zips e1, e2, e3, e4 and e5 into an enumerator producing quintuple values.