Module Utils

module Utils: sig .. end
This module provides utility functions for the other modules.

Conversion utilities

val string_of_unit : unit -> string
Always returns "()".
val string_of_char : char -> string
Converts a character into an escaped string, for display.
val string_of_string : string -> string
Converts a string into an escaped string, for display.
val string_of_complex : Complex.t -> string
Converts a complex into a string.
val string_of_buffer : Buffer.t -> string
Converts a buffer into an escaped string.
val make_string_of_array : ('a -> string) -> 'a array -> string
Converts an array into a string, the passed function being used to convert array elements.
val make_string_of_list : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
Converts a list into a string, the passed function being used to convert list elements.
val make_string_of_option : ('a -> string) -> 'a option -> string
Converts an option into a string, the passed function being used to convert the embedded element (if any).
val make_string_of_ref : ('a -> string) -> 'a Pervasives.ref -> string
Converts a reference into a string, the passed function being used to convert the embedded element.
val make_string_of_hashtbl : ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> string
Converts a hash table into a string, the passed functions being used to convert table keys and values.
val make_string_of_queue : ('a -> string) -> 'a Queue.t -> string
Converts a queue into a string, the passed function being used to convert queue elements.
val make_string_of_stack : ('a -> string) -> 'a Stack.t -> string
Converts a stack into a string, the passed function being used to convert stack elements.
val make_string_of_weak : ('a option -> string) -> 'a Weak.t -> string
Converts a weak array into a string, the passed function being used to convert array elements.
val make_string_of_tuple1 : ('a -> string) -> 'a -> string
The identity function.
val make_string_of_tuple2 : ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> 'a * 'b -> string
Converts a couple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.
val make_string_of_tuple3 : ('a -> string) -> ('b -> string) -> ('c -> string) -> 'a * 'b * 'c -> string
Converts a triple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.
val make_string_of_tuple4 : ('a -> string) ->
('b -> string) ->
('c -> string) -> ('d -> string) -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd -> string
Converts a quadruple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.
val make_string_of_tuple5 : ('a -> string) ->
('b -> string) ->
('c -> string) ->
('d -> string) -> ('e -> string) -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e -> string
Converts a quintuple into a string, the passed functions being used to convert the various components.