Module Specification

module Specification: sig .. end
This module provides type definitions, base functions, and combinators allowing to encode specifications.

Type definitions

type 'a predicate = 'a -> bool 
The type of unary predicates.
type ('a, 'b) t = {
   precond :'a predicate;
   postcond :('a * 'b) predicate;
The type of specifications, that is: a precondition and a postcondition:
val implies : 'a predicate ->
('a * 'b) predicate -> ('a, 'b) t
implies p1 p2 is equivalent to { precond = p1; postcond = p2 }.
val (=>) : 'a predicate ->
('a * 'b) predicate -> ('a, 'b) t
Shorthand for implies.
val implies' : 'a predicate ->
'b predicate -> ('a, 'b) t
implies' p1 p2 is a simplified version of implies where the predicate of the postcondition is only applied to the function result.
val (==>) : 'a predicate ->
'b predicate -> ('a, 'b) t
Shorthand for implies'.
type 'a outcome = 
| Result of 'a (*Encodes the result returned by the function.*)
| Exception of exn (*Encodes the exception raised by the function.*)
The type used to model partial functions, that is functions that may either return a value or raise an exception.
val is_exception : exn predicate ->
'a outcome predicate
is_exception p returns a predicate that ensures that the outcome is an exception satisfying predicate p.
val is_result : 'a predicate ->
'a outcome predicate
is_result p returns a predicate that ensures that the outcome is a result satisfying predicate p.

Predifined predicates

val always : 'a predicate
Predicate that always evaluates to true.
val never : 'a predicate
Predicate that always evaluates to false.
val is_pos_int : int predicate
Predicate testing whether the int argument is greater than or equal to zero.
val is_neg_int : int predicate
Predicate testing whether the int argument is lower than or equal to zero.
val is_zero_int : int predicate
Predicate testing whether the int argument is equal to zero.
val is_nonzero_int : int predicate
Predicate testing whether the int argument is different from zero.
val is_even_int : int predicate
Predicate testing whether the int argument is even.
val is_odd_int : int predicate
Predicate testing whether the int argument is odd.
val is_pos_int32 : int32 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is greater than or equal to zero.
val is_neg_int32 : int32 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is lower than or equal to zero.
val is_zero_int32 : int32 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is equal to zero.
val is_nonzero_int32 : int32 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is different from zero.
val is_even_int32 : int32 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is even.
val is_odd_int32 : int32 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int32 argument is odd.
val is_pos_int64 : int64 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is greater than or equal to zero.
val is_neg_int64 : int64 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is lower than or equal to zero.
val is_zero_int64 : int64 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is equal to zero.
val is_nonzero_int64 : int64 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is different from zero.
val is_even_int64 : int64 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is even.
val is_odd_int64 : int64 predicate
Predicate testing whether the int64 argument is odd.
val is_pos_nativeint : nativeint predicate
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is greater than or equal to zero.
val is_neg_nativeint : nativeint predicate
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is lower than or equal to zero.
val is_zero_nativeint : nativeint predicate
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is equal to zero.
val is_nonzero_nativeint : nativeint predicate
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is different from zero.
val is_even_nativeint : nativeint predicate
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is even.
val is_odd_nativeint : nativeint predicate
Predicate testing whether the nativeint argument is odd.
val is_pos_float : float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is greater than or equal to zero.
val is_neg_float : float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is lower than or equal to zero.
val is_zero_float_eps : float -> float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is equal to zero. The parameter is the epsilon used for comparison.
val is_nonzero_float_eps : float -> float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is different from zero. The parameter is the epsilon used for comparison.
val is_zero_float : float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is equal to zero. The epsilon used for comparison is epsilon_float.
val is_nonzero_float : float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is different from zero. The epsilon used for comparison is epsilon_float.
val is_nan_float : float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is equal to nan.
val is_nonnan_float : float predicate
Predicate testing whether the float argument is different from nan.
val is_letter_char : char predicate
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a letter.
val is_digit_char : char predicate
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (decimal) digit.
val is_digit_bin_char : char predicate
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (binary) digit.
val is_digit_oct_char : char predicate
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (octal) digit.
val is_digit_hex_char : char predicate
Predicate testing whether the char argument is a (hexadecimal) digit.
val is_space_char : char predicate
Predicate testing whether the char argument is either a bare space or a tabulation.
val is_alphanum_char : char predicate
Predicate testing whether the char argument is either an underscore or a letter/digit.
val is_empty_string : string predicate
Predicate testing whether the string argument is empty.
val is_nonempty_string : string predicate
Predicate testing whether the string argument is not empty.
val is_empty_list : 'a list predicate
Predicate testing whether the list argument is empty.
val is_nonempty_list : 'a list predicate
Predicate testing whether the list argument is not empty.
val is_empty_array : 'a array predicate
Predicate testing whether the array argument is empty.
val is_nonempty_array : 'a array predicate
Predicate testing whether the array argument is not empty.
val is_none_option : 'a option predicate
Predicate testing whether the option argument is equal to None.
val is_some_option : 'a option predicate
Predicate testing whether the option argument is different from None.

Predicates over containers

val exists_string : char predicate -> string predicate
exists_string p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the characters makes p evaluate to true.
val for_all_string : char predicate -> string predicate
for_all_string p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the characters make p evaluate to true.
val exists_list : 'a predicate -> 'a list predicate
exists_list p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
val for_all_list : 'a predicate -> 'a list predicate
for_all_list p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
val exists_array : 'a predicate -> 'a array predicate
exists_array p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
val for_all_array : 'a predicate -> 'a array predicate
for_all_array p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
module type Pred = sig .. end
Module type used for functor-based predicates.
module Map: 
functor (M : Map.S) ->
functor (P : Pred with type p = M.key) -> sig .. end
Functor used to build predicates for Map.S.t values.
module Set: 
functor (S : Set.S) ->
functor (P : Pred with type p = S.elt) -> sig .. end
Functor used to build predicates for Set.S.t values.
val exists_hashtbl : ('a * 'b) predicate ->
('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t predicate
exists_hashtbl p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
val for_all_hashtbl : ('a * 'b) predicate ->
('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t predicate
for_all_hashtbl p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
val exists_queue : 'a predicate -> 'a Queue.t predicate
exists_queue p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
val for_all_queue : 'a predicate -> 'a Queue.t predicate
for_all_queue p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
val exists_stack : 'a predicate -> 'a Stack.t predicate
exists_stack p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
val for_all_stack : 'a predicate -> 'a Stack.t predicate
for_all_stack p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
val exists_weak : 'a option predicate -> 'a Weak.t predicate
exists_weak p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff any of the elements makes p evaluate to true.
val for_all_weak : 'a option predicate -> 'a Weak.t predicate
for_all_weak p constructs a predicate that evaluates to true iff all of the elements make p evaluate to true.
module Weak: 
functor (W : Weak.S) ->
functor (P : Pred with type p = -> sig .. end
Functor used to build predicates for Weak.S.t values.

Combinators over predicates

val logand : 'a predicate ->
'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Constructs a predicate that is the conjunction of the passed ones.
val (&&&) : 'a predicate ->
'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Shorthand for logand.
val logand_list : 'a predicate list -> 'a predicate
Constructs a predicate that is the conjunction of the passed ones.
val (&&&&) : 'a predicate list -> 'a predicate
Shorthand for logand_list.
val logor : 'a predicate ->
'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Constructs a predicate that is the disjunction of the passed ones.
val (|||) : 'a predicate ->
'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Shorthand for logor.
val logor_list : 'a predicate list -> 'a predicate
Constructs a predicate that is the disjunction of the passed ones.
val (||||) : 'a predicate list -> 'a predicate
Shorthand for logor_list.
val logxor : 'a predicate ->
'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Constructs a predicate that is the exclusive disjunction of the passed ones.
val (^^^) : 'a predicate ->
'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Shorthand for logxor.
val logxor_list : 'a predicate list -> 'a predicate
Constructs a predicate that is the exclusive disjunction of the passed ones.
val (^^^^) : 'a predicate list -> 'a predicate
Shorthand for logxor_list.
val not : 'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Constructs a predicate that is the negation of the passed one.
val zip1 : 'a predicate -> 'a predicate
Identity function.
val zip2 : 'a predicate ->
'b predicate -> ('a * 'b) predicate
zip2 p1 p2 zips p1 and p2 into a predicate over couples.
val zip3 : 'a predicate ->
'b predicate ->
'c predicate -> ('a * 'b * 'c) predicate
zip3 p1 p2 p3 zips p1, p2 and p3 into a predicate over triples.
val zip4 : 'a predicate ->
'b predicate ->
'c predicate ->
'd predicate -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) predicate
zip4 p1 p2 p3 p4 zips p1, p2, p3 and p4 into a predicate over quadruples.
val zip5 : 'a predicate ->
'b predicate ->
'c predicate ->
'd predicate ->
'e predicate ->
('a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e) predicate
zip5 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 zips p1, p2, p3, p4 and p5 into a predicate over quintuples.