Module Abbreviations

module Abbreviations: sig .. end
This module provides abbreviations of modules and functions for easier use.

Shorthands for modules

module Assert: sig .. end
Shorthand for Assertion module.
module Gen: sig .. end
Shorthand for Generator module.
module Red: sig .. end
Shorthand for Reducer module.
module Enum: sig .. end
Shorthand for Enumerator module.
module Spec: sig .. end
Shorthand for Specification module.
module Shell: sig .. end
Bare alias for Shell module.
module Mock: sig .. end
Bare alias for Mock module.
module Test: sig .. end
Bare alias for Test module.

Shorthands for functions

val (=>) : 'a Specification.predicate ->
('a * 'b) Specification.predicate -> ('a, 'b) Specification.t
Shorthand for Specification.implies function.
val (==>) : 'a Specification.predicate ->
'b Specification.predicate -> ('a, 'b) Specification.t
Shorthand for Specification.implies' function.
val (&&&) : 'a Specification.predicate ->
'a Specification.predicate -> 'a Specification.predicate
Shorthand for Specification.logand function.
val (|||) : 'a Specification.predicate ->
'a Specification.predicate -> 'a Specification.predicate
Shorthand for Specification.logor function.
val (^^^) : 'a Specification.predicate ->
'a Specification.predicate -> 'a Specification.predicate
Shorthand for Specification.logxor function.
val check : ?title:string ->
?nb_runs:int ->
?nb_tries:int ->
?classifier:'a Test.classifier ->
?random_src:Generator.random ->
'a Generator.t -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) Specification.t list -> unit
Shorthand for Test.check function.
val check_partial : ?title:string ->
?nb_runs:int ->
?nb_tries:int ->
?classifier:'a Test.classifier ->
?random_src:Generator.random ->
'a Generator.t ->
('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b Specification.outcome) Specification.t list -> unit
Shorthand for Test.check_partial function.
val (|>) : ([< `Input | `No_input ] as 'a, [ `Output ], [< `Error | `No_error ])
Shell.command ->
([ `Input ], [< `No_output | `Output ] as 'b, [< `Error | `No_error ] as 'c)
Shell.command -> ('a, 'b, 'c) Shell.command
Shorthand for Shell.pipe function.
val (>>) : ([< `Input | `No_input ] as 'a, [ `Output ], [< `Error | `No_error ] as 'b)
Shell.command ->
string -> ('a, [ `No_output ], 'b) Shell.command
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_output function.
val (>>>) : ([< `Input | `No_input ] as 'a, [ `Output ], [< `Error | `No_error ] as 'b)
Shell.command ->
string -> ('a, [ `No_output ], 'b) Shell.command
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_append function.
val (>>>>) : ([< `Input | `No_input ] as 'a, [< `No_output | `Output ] as 'b, [ `Error ])
Shell.command ->
string -> ('a, 'b, [ `No_error ]) Shell.command
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_error function.
val (>>>>>) : ([< `Input | `No_input ] as 'a, [< `No_output | `Output ] as 'b, [ `Error ])
Shell.command ->
string -> ('a, 'b, [ `No_error ]) Shell.command
Shorthand for Shell.redirect_append_error function.