A | |
Abbreviations |
This module provides abbreviations of modules and functions for easier use.
Assert [Abbreviations] |
Shorthand for
Assertion module.
Assertion |
This module provides functions evaluating assertions.
E | |
Enum [Abbreviations] |
Shorthand for
Enumerator module.
Enumerator |
This module provides functions enumerating values.
G | |
Gen [Abbreviations] |
Shorthand for
Generator module.
Generator |
This module provides functions generating values.
M | |
Map [Specification] |
Functor used to build predicates for
Map.S.t values.
Map [Reducer] |
Functor used to build reducers for
Map.S.t values.
Map [Generator] |
Functor used to build generators for
Map.S.t values.
Map [Assertion] |
Functor used to build assertion functions for
Map.S.t values.
Mock |
This module provides support for mock functions, that record
their calls.
Mock [Abbreviations] |
Bare alias for
Mock module.
R | |
Red [Abbreviations] |
Shorthand for
Reducer module.
Reducer |
This module provides functions reducing values,
in order to produce smaller counterexamples.
S | |
Set [Specification] |
Functor used to build predicates for
Set.S.t values.
Set [Reducer] |
Functor used to build reducers for
Set.S.t values.
Set [Generator] |
Functor used to build generators for
Set.S.t values.
Set [Assertion] |
Functor used to build assertion functions for
Map.S.t values.
Shell |
This module provides type definitions, base functions, and combinators
allowing to encode shell scripts.
Shell [Abbreviations] |
Bare alias for
Shell module.
Spec [Abbreviations] |
Shorthand for
Specification module.
Specification |
This module provides type definitions, base functions, and combinators
allowing to encode specifications.
T | |
Test |
This module provides the functions for creating and running tests.
Test [Abbreviations] |
Bare alias for
Test module.
U | |
Utils |
This module provides utility functions for the other modules.
V | |
Version |
Current Kaputt version.
W | |
Weak [Specification] |
Functor used to build predicates for
Weak.S.t values.
Weak [Generator] |
Functor used to build generators for
Weak.S.t values.